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Tests: S

Test codes, sample requirements and turnaround times for our most requested tests.

See discontinued tests to find out which tests are no longer available.


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Test name
S100 Malignant Melanoma
Saccharomyces Cerevisiae Antibodies
Salivary Duct Antibodies
Schistosoma (Urine)
Schistosome (Bilharzia) Antibodies
Scleroderma Immunoblot
Screening Profile 1 – Biochemistry CHANGE
Screening Profile 2 – Haematology/Biochemistry CHANGE
Screening Profile 3 – Haematology
Screening Profile 4 – Haematology/Biochemistry (Short) CHANGE
Screening Profile 5 – Haematology/Biochemistry (Postal) CHANGE
Screening Profile 6 – Well Person CHANGE
Screening Profile 7 – Well Man CHANGE
Screening Profile 8 – Well Person CHANGE
Screening Profile 9F – Senior Female CHANGE
Screening Profile 9M – Senior Male CHANGE
Screening Profile 10 – Cardiovascular Risk 1
Screening Profile 11 – Cardiovascular Risk 2
Screening Profile 12 – Sexual Health Screen
Seed Storage Proteins
Selenium (Serum) (Self-collect)
Selenium (Serum) (Venous)
Sellotape Test
Semen Analysis, Comprehensive*
Semen Analysis, Post-Vasectomy**
Semen Analysis, Vasectomy Reversal*
Semen Culture
Semen Fructose (Qualitative assessment)
Semen Leucocytes
Semen Zinc
Serotonin (Urine)
Serum Albumins
Serum Free Light Chains
Sesame Components
Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (Self-collect)
Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (Venous)
Short-Chain Acyl-CoA Dehydrogenase Deficiency – ACADS sequencing
Short Stature – SHOX variant screening + deletions/duplications
Shrimp Components
Silver (Blood)
Silver (Urine)
Silver-Russell Syndrome – methylation studies on 11p15 imprinting domains KvDMR + H19
Sinequan (Doxepin)
Sjogren’s Syndrome
Skeletal Dysplasia NGS Panel
Skin (Pemphigus/Pemphigoid) Autoantibodies
Skin Antibodies by Immunofluorescence
Skin Scrapings/Mycology by PCR
Sleeping Sickness Serology (African Trypanosomiasis)
Smith-Lemli-Opitz Syndrome – DHCR7 sequencing
Smith-Magenis Syndrome – BOBs (5 days) + karyotype (15 days)
Smith-Magenis Syndrome – BoBs only
Smooth Muscle Antibodies
Somatomedin (IGF-1)
Sotos Syndrome (Cerebral Gigantism) – NSD1 sequencing + deletions/duplications
Soybean Components
Spastic Paraplegia NGS Panel
Sperm Aneuploidy
Sperm Antibodies (Serum)
Sperm Antibodies/MAR Test (Semen)†
Sperm Comet®
Sperm Comet® Exact Focus
Sperm Comet® Extend
Sperm Comet® Extend Focus
Sperm Count (Post-Vasectomy)
Sperm DNA Fragmentation (SCSA type test)
Sperm Morphology (Kruger strict criteria)
Spinal Bulbar Muscular Atrophy (Kennedy Disease) – AR repeat analysis
Spinal Muscular Atrophy – SMN1 deletions/duplications
Spinocerebellar Ataxia – multiplex SCA1+2+3+6+7+8+10+12 +17 common repeat expansions
Spinocerebellar Ataxia NGS Panel
Sports/Performance Profile
Sputum for Routine Culture
Sputum for TB Culture (AFB)
Squamous Cell Carcinoma
SRY (Sex-determining Region Y)
STD1 M/F STD Quad (Urine and Serology)
STD2 M/F STI Profile Plus (Urine and Serology)
STD3 Female STD Quad (PCR Swab and Serology)
STD4 Female STI Profile Plus (PCR Swab and Serology)
STD5 Serology only
STD6 Serology only without HIV
STD8 Vaginitis/BV Profile using Culture & PCR Swab
STD9 Symptomatic lesion sample using PCR Swab from lesion
Steroid Cell Antibody
STI Profile by PCR (7 tests from 1 sample) (Self-collect)
STI Profile: MSM1 (Blood + Urine/Throat/Rectal Swabs) (Self-collect)
STI Profile: MSM1 (Venous)
STI Profile: MSM2 (Blood + Urine/Throat/Rectal Swabs) (Self-collect)
STI Profile: MSM2 (Venous)
Stockholm3 NEW
Stockholm3 Reflex NEW
Stool for OCP and Culture by PCR
Stool for OVA Cysts & Parasites by Microscopy
Stool Reducing Substances
Streptomycin Levels
Striated/Skeletal Muscle Antibody
Strongyloides Antibodies
Superoxide Dismutase
Suppression with steroid, IVIg and intralipin, NK (CD69) cell assay, TH1/TH2 cytokines
Swab (Cervical)
Swab (Ear)
Swab (Eye)
Swab (Nasal)
Swab (Oral)
Swab (Penile)
Swab (Rectal)
Swab (Skin)
Swab (Throat)
Swab (Urethral)
Swab (Vaginal)
Swab (Vulval)
Swab (Wound)
Synacthen Stimulation Test
Synovial Fluid (for microscopy, crystals and culture)
Syphilis by PCR (chancre)
Syphilis IgG/IgM (Self-collect)
Syphilis IgG/IgM (Venous)
Systemic Mastocystosis – C-Kit common variants (KIT D816V)
Updated Monday, 16 December 2024