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Tests: M

Test codes, sample requirements and turnaround times for our most requested tests.

See discontinued tests to find out which tests are no longer available.


Test name
Macrolide Resistance Test (Mgen)
Magnesium (Serum)
Magnesium (Urine)
Magnesium (Whole blood)
Malarial Antibodies (Pl. falciparum)
Malarial Antibodies (species specific)
Malarial Parasites
Malarial Parasites (visa, non-urgent)
Male Genetic Reproductive Profile
Male Hormone Profile
Manganese (Serum)
Marfan Syndrome – FBN1 sequencing + deletions/duplications
Marfan Syndrome and Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm and Dissection NGS Panel
Maturity-Onset Diabetes of the Young (MODY) Diabetes NGS Panel
MBOCA in Urine
Mean Cell Volume (MCV)
Measles Antibodies (IgG) Immunity
Measles Antibodies (IgM)
Measles PCR
Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR)
Meckel-Gruber/Joubert Syndrome NGS Panel
Medium-Chain Acyl-CoA Dehydrogenase Deficiency – ACADM sequencing
Melanoma Comprehensive Cancer NGS Panel
Melatonin (Serum)
Melatonin (Urine)
Meningococcal Serology (only serogroup C)
Menopausal Profile (FSH, LH, TOES, TSH, FT4) (Self-collect)
Menopause Profile (Venous)
Mercury (Blood)
Mercury (Urine)
MERS Coronavirus Test
Metabolic Syndrome Profile
Metanephrines (Plasma)
Metanephrines (Urine)
Methylmalonic Acid – Serum
Methylmalonic Acid – Urine
Metronidazole Level
Microdeletion (common) Syndromes – BOBs only
Microfilaria Blood Film
Microphthalmia/Anophthalmia/Coloboma NGS Panel
Miller-Dieker Syndrome – BOBs (5 days) + karyotype (15 days)
Miller-Dieker Syndrome – BOBs only
Mineral Screen
Mineral Screen (Whole blood)
Mineral Screen and Industrial Heavy Metal Screen (Trace Metals)
Miscarriage/Thrombotic Risk Profile
Mitochondrial Antibodies
Mitochondrial Antibodies M2
Mitochondrial Genome Sequencing
Molybdenum (Serum)
Motor Neurone Disease (Amylotrophic Lateral Sclerosis) NGS Panel
MPOX (Virus) – Lesion (Self-collect)
MRSA (Rapid PCR) one swab per site
MRSA (Rapid PCR) one swab per site x 2
MRSA Culture one swab per site
MRSA Culture one swab per site x 2
MRSA Culture (Self-collect) – Nose/Groin
MRSA PCR (Self-collect) – Nose/Groin
MTHFR – common C677T + A1298C variants
Mucopolysaccharidosis NGS Panel
Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 1 – full MEN1 sequencing
Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 2 – RET gene hotspot sequencing
Mumps Antibodies (IgG)
Mumps Antibodies (IgG and IgM) 
Myasthenia Gravis Evaluation
Mycophenolic Acid (Cellcept)
Mycoplasma genitalium by PCR
Mycoplasma genitalium by PCR – Urine and Vaginal (Self-collect)
Mycoplasma genitalium Resistance – Urine or Vaginal (Self-collect)
Mycoplasma genitalium/Ureaplasma by PCR
Mycoplasma pneumoniae IgM and IgG
Mycoplasma species – DNA
Myelin Associated Glycoprotein Antibodies
Myelin Basic Protein Antibodies
Myeloid Gene Panel
Myeloma Screen CHANGE
Myeloperoxidase Antibodies
Myeloproliferative Neoplasm NGS Screening Panel
Myocardial Antibodies
Myoglobin (Serum)
Myoglobin (Urine)
Myositis Panel
Myotonic Dystrophy Type 1 – DMPK repeat PCR
Myotonic Dystrophy Type 2 (PROMM) – ZNF9 repeat PCR
Mysoline (Primidone)
Updated Monday, 24 March 2025